Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Trials Come To Make Us Strong...Who are you?

During this season in many of our lives we are facing difficulties. We hear thoughts of this is not going to work, I can't take it anymore, I don't know what to do. We hear self limiting thoughts and the thoughts of others who are limited and it affects the way we see or deal with our life's challenges.

I know exactly how you feel. We all face challenges in life and some feel like such a mighty wind that it would knock you out for the count. One of the reasons we feel down and out is because of what we have chosen to believe, we are knocked out. As long as we believe we have lost the battle then we have created that truth in our situations. I want to share with you some personal ways that I was able to start seeing myself as the winner not the loser, the person who had the ability to change my circumstances. I am going to share some tips and I know they will work if you simply believe and exercise your awesome weaponry of faith. Faith activates God to move on your behalf. Hebrews 11:6 It will unleash an army of heavenly beings to take charge over you that you can't be knock down or out. Psalms 91:11.

See your adversity not as "why is this happening to me?" but "why is this happening for me?" I believe beloved that whatever you are facing right now was to bring you to this place of revelation in the Father we call God. God wants a chance to prove to you that he is God. So we face some things to inquire of his wisdom, knowledge and help in times of trouble. God wants you successful, fruitful he is glorified when you are all of these things (John 15:8) however you must be brought to a place where you first see him as God. Knowing when to stand still and know that he is God.

Now let's feed our spirits to receive the strength to get through any trials, error, limitations, or discouragements.

Know who and who's you are

Because you are in Christ, every one of these statements is true of you.

  • I am loved 1John 3:3
  • I am accepted Ephesians 1:6
  • I am a child of God John 1:12
  • I am Jesus' friend John 15:14
  • I am a joint heir with Jesus, sharing His inheritance with Him Romans 8:17
  • I am united with God and one spirit with Him 1Corinthians 6:17
  • I am a temple of God. His spirit and his life live in me 1 Corinthians 6:19
  • I am a member of Christ's body. 1 Corinthians 12:27
  • I am a Saint Ephesians 1:1
  • I am redeemed and forgiven Colossians 1:14
  • I am complete in Jesus Christ Colossians 2:10
  • I am free from condemnation Romans 8:1
  • I am a new creation because I am in Christ 2Corinthians 5:17
  • I am chosen of God, holy and dearly loved Colossians 3:12
  • I am established, anointed, and sealed by God 2Corinthians 1:21
  • I do not have a spirit of fear, but of love, power, and a sound mind 2Timothy 1:7
  • I am God's co-worker 2Corinthians 6:1
  • I am seated in heavenly places with Christ Eph 2:6
  • I have direct access to God Ephesians 2:18
  • I am chosen to bear fruit John 15:16
  • I am one of God's living stones, being built up in Christ as a spiritual house 1 Peter 2:5
  • I have been given exceedingly great and precious promises by God by which I share His nature 2 Peter 1:4
  • I can always know the presence of God because He never leaves me Hebrews 13:5
  • God works in me to help me do the things He wants me to do Philippians 2:13
  • I can ask God for wisdom and He will give me what I need James 1:5
Prayer Time:
God we acknowledge you as the Father of all creation God I acknowledge you as my Father. Please forgive me of any and all trespasses and my attitude towards handling situations in my life. I thank you for revealing to me who I am in you. I thank you for your mercies that are new to me every morning. I thank you for the strength and courage I will gain through this experience. God I thank you also for the reminder that I am not defeated by I am strong and have all that I need through you because of who I am in you. Lord thank you for helping to establish my identity in you. For now I am aware that my trials have come to make me strong. Your will be done in Jesus name, Amen.

Have a blessed day on purpose and may this bless you with long life.

Christian Life Empowerment Coach
Armetria Charles
For more information about coaching with me
please call 202-596-1YOU or email

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Success is in the eye of the beholder

Good day Anointed Divas & Gents,

Today will be a splendid Saturday. I was thinking this morning as I look back over my life. I had not always experienced a great deal of success. I was up and down, and mostly down. Looking back to understand why I was not doing nearly as well as I am doing now was because of my mindset. My mindset was one that had been trained to think you are a victim of circumstance and not an over comer of obstacles! I was taught to focus on the negative vs. the positive.

One day I started to study what some may call the "Secret" the laws of attraction. Those laws simply say that whatever we think on is what we will attract to us. I say it's no big secret at all The word of God has been saying in for thousands of years. What soever a man thinketh so is he! See there's no secret. lol

Right thinking begins with the words we say to ourselves. We are the architects of our own lives and unwittingly create pain and suffering for ourselves due to the unconscious thoughts we focus on within.

Every thought you think creates that very reality for you. If you see yourself as lacking and poor then you will be lacking and poor. If your thinking is going after and gaining wealth then wealth is what you will obtain. It's simple to manifest in your life whatever you desire.

Visualize yourself as if you already ARE where you want to be or the state of well being you desire to be in. I mean get in your head and see it, feel it, hear it and taste it. What emotions does it bring up? Feel them!

What you think and do draws more of the same to you. Change your attitude and behavior to what you want drawn into your life.

Taking care of yourself and eating properly is the lifestyle of a healthy active person. Healthy active people think of themselves as healthy and active. Begin a healthier lifestyle. Remember, you are what you eat. So eat healthy foods.

Challenge: See your self where you want to be vs where you are. It's gonna be some work because we are accustomed to thinking a certain way but if the word of God say that we can be what we think it has to be true right?

Have a Splendid Saturday!

Kindest regards,

Welcome To My Fresh Aointing Blogs

Hello Divas & Gents,
You all are very special, dear and precious to God and me. You are the apples of his eye though. I would like to welcome you all to "Fresh Anointing" I tried to welcome each of you personally as I am a very engaging person. :) if I haven't gotten around to you know that I will. I pray that this group will be something that will help all of us in some area in our lives advance and live a spectacular stress, worry, doubt, and fear free life. We will all work together to edify, uplift and encourage one another.
What an amazing kinship we have to all pull together as a community, brothers and sisters alike! No matter the race, creed, religion, or economic status. All are welcome to experience the love and warmth of this group.
I am proud to say that you all had the courage to join and make a mental decision to better yourselves which will sub- conscientiously give those around you permission to do the same. All of you are "great" and will do even "greater things" know this. I look forward to staying in constant contact with you all. If anyone of you should need anything reach out and let's find a resource. Have a terrific Tursday.
Please visit the group as I have added some discussion your feedback is wanted and greatly appreciated.
Much love,
Armetria Charles
Fresh Anointing, Group Creator

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

My Compass Awaits Me...

This is such an exciting and high time in my life. I just promoted to become the "youngest" Presidential Ambassador within Compass Coaching Network. How exciting is that? I thank and praise God for the wisdom that he has imparted on me. The Bible says "those who lack wisdom, let them ask God who gives it" and boy has he given it. I am a young wife and mom of 4 beautiful boys and one on the way. I have always adored BIG families. Most importantly, I adored those moms who were able to be there for there children financially and physically by being at home with them. It brings great joy to let you all know that I am home raising my children to be the little men that God has called them to be and that is made possible through my Compass business.

I am living the life I've always wanted! Freedom and flexibility is finally mine!

Here are some of the life changing questions I asked myself after joining Compass that has contributed greatly to my success... I encourage you to do the same.

Ask yourself...Exactly WHAT am I doing today that is getting me toward my goal?
What am I doing that is actually INTERFERING with my goal? And most importantly, am I willing to do something different? If nothing changes, nothing changes. What EXACTLY do you want from your Business/ Life? Do you have a really big goal? If not, go get one! Because small thinkers and small dreamers inevitably become small producers.

Join me in a movement.... a ministry.... a CHANGE!

Contact me for more information:
Armetria Charles
Regional Representative

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Don't Let It Go To Your Head...

I am realizing success has it's hazards... We begin to trust in ourselves- our own abilities, position of influence, and resources, rather than God's. This has happened again and again. I read where it happened to Uzziah, a king of Judah who enjoyed great success and was exalted to a position of prominence. We read, But when he became strong, his heart was so proud that he acted corruptly, and he was unfaithful to the Lord his God" (2Cronicles 26:16). As a result Divas, God had to discipline the king. He lived out his days as a leper.
It happened to King Nebuchadnezzar, ruler of Babylonian Empire, who achieved great military success and was privileged to rebuild and beautify the lovely city of Babylon. Yet he too succumbed to pride. He begin to praise himself for building such a lavish, royal residence, leaving God out of the equation. Read (Daniel 4:30). God judged Nebuchadnezzar! )see scripture reference to see what happened!)
Now I read about John the Baptist and he knew how to cope with success. He recognized it came from God (John3:27). He didn't allow it to go to his head. The Lord was able to entrust to John a gracious measure of success in life because He knew that John would use it to glorify him.
How are you handling your success?
Let's take the road of John the Baptist and remember all that we have comes from God's bank account of His riches & glory!

Have a victorious day,

Armetria Charles
Soul Purpose Lifestyle Co.
Managing Associate #200890 (start you own business today)

"The greater danger for most of us is not that
our aim is too high and we miss it, but
that it is too low and we reach it."
- Michelangelo

So often we set the bar so low for ourselves and it all starts in our minds. Get in gear for 2009... make your mind up to be a winner and not a loser. Stop mentally telling yourself that you are afraid to succeed and let your light shine by not being frightened to fail. I don't know what your dreams and ambitions are but they are important... or they should be to you! Here's a challenge dust off your dreams and open the box of your heart that will allow you to follow you trail of hope, happiness and freedom!

I started following my path about 6 months ago on a journey of prosperity and freedom. My journey is called Compass! I am always so EXCITED to talk, write, or offer my opportunity to people that I come into contact with. I have learned that nothing beats a failure but a try, but you must first TRY!
Give yourself permission to be successful by taking the first steps and contact me about discovering your purpose and living beyond your wildest dreams. My hand is extended and my team's arms are opened wide to receive you into the heart of Team EnVision.
See Details below. I want to see you successful, it's where my Compass points!

Armetria Charles
Compass Coaching Network.
Regional Representative & Christian Life Coach
(202)596-1YOU (1968)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Recession proof yourself...

Everybody knows that in today's economy you can't count on a traditional JOB to make a living. Everybody is saying that with all the downsizing that is happening today you don't know if you will have a JOB tomorrow or not.

Do you like living with that kind of fear of not being able to provide for yourself and your family???

What most people don't know is that you can recession proof your income so no matter what happens to the economy or your JOB you can still continue receiving an income from things that you do everyday.

So imagine the possibility of being able to decide whether you want to go into work or not and still receive a Paycheck.

There are 2 types of income in the world, but only one will give you freedom. Only one will let you own your life. Most people would love to know which one.

You know how most people are forced to go to work and exchange their time for money??? The problem is that you only have so much time and if you don't do the time you don't get paid. So if you get downsized...well you are not doing the time and you are not getting paid. But some people have figured out a way to receive a paycheck while they sleep, so time is no longer an issue for them.

Now that type of Income is the only Income that will give you Freedom. Most people know this as passive, recurring or residual income. Imagine if you had a million dollars sitting in your savings account. And imagine you knew exactly how to invest the money without losing it all. You did the work right one time and today you'd collect a dividend check for $5,000 every month. Even after you quit your JOB, you're making money while you sleep. That's the only way to own your life.

Now, you are probably saying to yourself I don't have a Million Dollars in my savings account and I don't think Id even be able to save that type of money working a JOB so how can I create true Freedom in my life and receive this type of Income so I wouldn't have to depend on a JOB to make money?

The great news is there another way to develop passive/residual income. There is a way to get checks for hundreds even thousands of dollars every week so you can own your life. And best of all, almost anyone can develop this type of Income.

Now you are probably asking yourself what do I have to??? Well at Soul Purpose we can show you, step-by-step, how thousands of everyday people have created a Passive/Residual Income. And everybody knows that after you join our team we share this all for FREE.

There are two types of people in this world those that see an opportunity like this, take it and run with it and have the time of their lives and those that will never make a decision and go back to watching the Economy crash on TV and wait for the next downsizing to hit them and that choice is totally up to you.

Hope to see you all at the top!

Armetria Charles