I am realizing success has it's hazards... We begin to trust in ourselves- our own abilities, position of influence, and resources, rather than God's. This has happened again and again. I read where it happened to Uzziah, a king of Judah who enjoyed great success and was exalted to a position of prominence. We read, But when he became strong, his heart was so proud that he acted corruptly, and he was unfaithful to the Lord his God" (2Cronicles 26:16). As a result Divas, God had to discipline the king. He lived out his days as a leper.
It happened to King Nebuchadnezzar, ruler of Babylonian Empire, who achieved great military success and was privileged to rebuild and beautify the lovely city of Babylon. Yet he too succumbed to pride. He begin to praise himself for building such a lavish, royal residence, leaving God out of the equation. Read (Daniel 4:30). God judged Nebuchadnezzar! )see scripture reference to see what happened!)
Now I read about John the Baptist and he knew how to cope with success. He recognized it came from God (John3:27). He didn't allow it to go to his head. The Lord was able to entrust to John a gracious measure of success in life because He knew that John would use it to glorify him.
How are you handling your success?
Let's take the road of John the Baptist and remember all that we have comes from God's bank account of His riches & glory!
Have a victorious day,
Armetria Charles
Soul Purpose Lifestyle Co.
Managing Associate #200890
www.csoulpurpose.com (start you own business today)
Sunday, January 25, 2009

"The greater danger for most of us is not that
our aim is too high and we miss it, but
that it is too low and we reach it."
our aim is too high and we miss it, but
that it is too low and we reach it."
- Michelangelo
So often we set the bar so low for ourselves and it all starts in our minds. Get in gear for 2009... make your mind up to be a winner and not a loser. Stop mentally telling yourself that you are afraid to succeed and let your light shine by not being frightened to fail. I don't know what your dreams and ambitions are but they are important... or they should be to you! Here's a challenge dust off your dreams and open the box of your heart that will allow you to follow you trail of hope, happiness and freedom!
I started following my path about 6 months ago on a journey of prosperity and freedom. My journey is called Compass! I am always so EXCITED to talk, write, or offer my opportunity to people that I come into contact with. I have learned that nothing beats a failure but a try, but you must first TRY!
Give yourself permission to be successful by taking the first steps and contact me about discovering your purpose and living beyond your wildest dreams. My hand is extended and my team's arms are opened wide to receive you into the heart of Team EnVision.
See Details below. I want to see you successful, it's where my Compass points!
Armetria Charles
Compass Coaching Network.
Regional Representative & Christian Life Coach
(202)596-1YOU (1968)
So often we set the bar so low for ourselves and it all starts in our minds. Get in gear for 2009... make your mind up to be a winner and not a loser. Stop mentally telling yourself that you are afraid to succeed and let your light shine by not being frightened to fail. I don't know what your dreams and ambitions are but they are important... or they should be to you! Here's a challenge dust off your dreams and open the box of your heart that will allow you to follow you trail of hope, happiness and freedom!
I started following my path about 6 months ago on a journey of prosperity and freedom. My journey is called Compass! I am always so EXCITED to talk, write, or offer my opportunity to people that I come into contact with. I have learned that nothing beats a failure but a try, but you must first TRY!
Give yourself permission to be successful by taking the first steps and contact me about discovering your purpose and living beyond your wildest dreams. My hand is extended and my team's arms are opened wide to receive you into the heart of Team EnVision.
See Details below. I want to see you successful, it's where my Compass points!
Armetria Charles
Compass Coaching Network.
Regional Representative & Christian Life Coach
(202)596-1YOU (1968)
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